Do you notify your guest of something that will affect their travel plans

Level 1
Arganil, Portugal

Do you notify your guest of something that will affect their travel plans

Here in Portugal we are currently experiencing a fuel shortage and I have my first 11 guests Arriving tomorrow lunch time... there are small children in the group and they have a five hour journey by car to make from the top of Spain. I am concerned that they might not be able to fuel up and wether they can get some when they arrive, and of course for there return journey. Do I notify them in advance with the chance they will cancel or leave it to chance and risk that they will leave a bad review that I didn’t keep them informed of the situation... help I can’t sleep as over thinking about it .

2 Replies 2

We have always kept our guests informed of situations that might affect them.


I always try to keep the guest informed about various things that could affect them including info about weather, major events which could affect traffic, public transportation strikes or recent taxi/subway fare increases. You could keep it casual and say something along the lines of "Not sure how much this could affect you but I just wanted to let you know there are some fuel shortages happening in Portugal so you should keep this in mind and be prepared while travelling. Have a safe trip~" Although it's not your responsibility imo keeping guests informed would be the right thing to do.