Hi all,
My current guest has booked a long-term reservation for 2 months. I called him and ran a credit and background check to give to my landlady. I also wrote him in the app to confirm he is not a smoker and agreed to not do drugs.
Since arriving he has introduced himself just once while drunk and high, and showed me 3 containers of marijuana he's using. The apartment smelled of smoke, but I cannot prove he is smoking.
I told him this won't work and he needs to stop smoking and get rid of the weed. He said he can't do that.
Airbnb directed me to photograph his stash to support my claim, and then proceeded to tell me I violated the privacy policy. I was told by Airbnb to do this.
I also was told by my guest "I have nothing to hide" "I'll leave my door open" and "You can come in anytime."
The guest has openly admitted to Airbnb of his possession of drugs.
I am now being told the best Airbnb can do is open up my calendar and tell him he has to leave. I then said well I guess if you talk sense to him he can stay that way I don't lose rent. Now Airbnb is saying it's a "personality issue" and that we are "butting heads" meaning that the guest will be refunded and cancel without penalty.
How is this fair to me? How is this upholding host's house rules? What appeal process is there??
HELP? Called Airbnb like 10 times today and got mixed responses and no help.