Excluded from Airbnb PLus

Excluded from Airbnb PLus

Dear Hosts,

I would like to know if someone experienced the same thing that happened to me, I was with one listing on Airbnb Plus, a rating of 4.9 of a total of 25 rewies. Airbnb sent me a message telling I will soon be removed from the programme because considering the last 13 rewies my rating was 4.7. Is that a new rule? How do I know this rating if the page of my performance does not show it? I asked to the assistance the reasons but they did not give any explication. I am confused, is that method correct? Thank you for your help.

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Dear @Alessandra-and-Aris0 


Welcome to CC


There's a page now on our Profile where it shows Progress to achieve our status.


Re ABB Plus if you use related keywords in the search box here in CC you may find the information you require or look under Help on the ABB website.

All the best


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