Extra guess

Level 1
Puchuncaví, Chile

Extra guess

Hi there. I hope you’re all well! I’m new to Airbandb and so far has been brilliant. But I’m having a bit of an issue with the guess staying at the moment. My house is listed for a maximum of 5 guess, bbut there is a group of 7 that has arrived to the place. They did the booking for 4 people through Airbandb. I have adiciónaly charged extra for the 2 extra guess but she is ignoring completely my request. 

What do you do in this sort of situations? 

They have booked for 4 nights, they are leaving on February 10th. 


I will I’ll appreciate your advise!



2 Replies 2
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


did you send her booking alteration or you requested additional money through the "resolution center"? 

Did you try to call her ? (maybe she didn't check her messages)

I would involve Airbnb ( you have a button in resolution center page) or contact Airbnb through twitter.




Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

... ps

you don't have to let them inside the property if more people show then booked. You can login, send them booking alteration/ request money and wait until they accept. Then you let them in.

Not a good start but easier then the situation you have now.