First host

Level 1
Leipzig, Germany

First host

Hi everyone,


I am new to hosting. There is some questions I would like to ask for some clarifications:


1. What does it mean by pending verification in my Paypal Account? Do I need to verify something?

2. I offer the guest long period (2 months). When will I receive the money? Do I need to charge for deposit?

3. The status now is Accepted which means I have to keep the room for the guest? Is that sure that he/she will come and take the room? 



Thanks and Regards.


An Phan


1 Reply 1
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hi @An10


Have you had a look at the Airbnb help centre and searched the forums here?


Lots of useful information including how payments work.


1.  You normally need to accept a nominal tiny amount so Airbnb know they have the right account. I don't use paypal, but there might be some information about this under the help centre


2. Have a look at long term bookings on the help section. I believe you get paid monthly. You can set a deposit - see the Help Centre. You can't charge one. Airbnb holds it against a guests payment system


3.  If you have a booking confirmation then you have an accepted booking. If you have Instant Book turned on, you will  probably want to turn it off so you can vet each guest before accepting a booking.