Help please! I cannot complete my offer.

Level 1
Wólka Pracka, Poland

Help please! I cannot complete my offer.

I want to start as a host on AirBnB but have got stuck completing my offer. Once I fill in the section "Description" in step 2, which allows a maximum of 500 words, this text appears in both in the section "About this offer" as well as in the section down below entitled "Description". I cannot find a way to add more text in the section "Description". Can someone help with this?


3 Replies 3
Level 2
Austin, TX

I had this problem using the app. If you're using the app, try using your computer. That fixed it for me. 

Thanks. I just discovered the trick is to post your offer and then all sorts of new options appear and you can edit everything. Funny they do not mention this anywhere.

How does I post my offer without moving on to step 3?