
Level 2
Viçosa, Brazil


Bom dia,recebi um hóspede de 11 a 13 de abril, mas ele precisou ficar mais tempo e fez nova reserva até dia 17/04, o que lhe foi cobrado taxas extra de limpeza e taxa de serviço do Airbnb. Como foi uma sequencia de hospedagem não achei justo a cobrança das taxas, visto que ele já tinha pago.

Existe alguma forma de ressarcimento, ou como refazer uma reserva sem cobrança de taxas?





1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Google translates:

Good morning, I received a guest from April 11 to 13, but he needed to stay longer and made a new reservation until 04/17, which charged him extra cleaning fees and Airbnb service charge. As it was a lodging sequence I did not think it was fair to collect the fees, since he had already paid.

Is there any form of reimbursement, or how to rebook a reservation without fees?



Your guest should have changed the original reservation by extending it, instead of making a new one:


BTW It could be done also by you: https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/50/i-m-a-host--how-do-i-make-a-change-to-a-confirmed-reservation

Then the cleaning was not charged again, but offcourse some extra Guest Service Fee will be charged, as it is an extension.


But for now you can refund the cleaning fee by using the "sent money" option on the reservation.

Best regards,
