Host asking for cancellation and don't approve it. On the same time he sending dirtiness

Level 2
Kraków, Poland

Host asking for cancellation and don't approve it. On the same time he sending dirtiness

What is the quickest way inform about such host ?  He asking for cancellation and don't approve it. On the same time he sending dirtiness about me and my daughter?

I’ve already callcel reservation with him but other member should know about such people. I can share with support ours dialog to proof his problem ?

Also, I lost some money because he asked for cancellation and didn’t approve it. To be safety I cancelled it from my side but lost some money. Is there any way how can get all money I’ve spent from him?

Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Alex842


I am sorry you are having these issues.


If the host wanted to cancel the booking, you should not have had to cancel it. Airbnb gives you an option to tick which says the host has asked you to cancel, so you could have ticked this and then he would have had to confirmed he wanted to cancel the booking.


I would suggest you give Airbnb a call straight away. They will be able to see that he messaged wanting to cancel the booking and should therefore return your money.


All the ways of contacting them are in the Contact Airbnb post at the top of this forum.



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3 Replies 3
Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom

@Alex842 You can report a listing by clicking on the little flag



Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Alex842


I am sorry you are having these issues.


If the host wanted to cancel the booking, you should not have had to cancel it. Airbnb gives you an option to tick which says the host has asked you to cancel, so you could have ticked this and then he would have had to confirmed he wanted to cancel the booking.


I would suggest you give Airbnb a call straight away. They will be able to see that he messaged wanting to cancel the booking and should therefore return your money.


All the ways of contacting them are in the Contact Airbnb post at the top of this forum.



Level 2
Kraków, Poland

 Thanks for quick reply, sent message to support, I hope such people would be permanently blocked in the system.