Hosting Experiences

Level 1
Palmerston North, New Zealand

Hosting Experiences


We have set up as new Air BnB hosts on our farm.  However, I would prefer it to be more of an experience than a BnB . Where we  show them around the farm, let them interact with the animals - cows/sheep/chooks, walk on the farm, go on the tractor, feed the claves during calfing time and experience a small farm lifestyle with home grown meal and accomodation.  Could I put this under Experiences?

Thank you in advance anyone who can help or suggest!

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I think you could create an experience from this, then other nearby guests could enjoy it.


However there are only a limited number of cities that Airbnb offer this in.


Why not offer it in your listing as an add on, that they can book at an extra cost, or cost it into your daily rate.