Hello @Loryn0,
You've replied to someone else's post by asking an unrelated question. Only people who happen to choose to read the original post will even see your question.
When you have a new question everyone will see it if you start a new conversation. To do that simply click on the "Start a Conversation" button on these pages.
You were not asked to pre-approve because you have instant book turned on. You have 3 listings that are all instant book. Instant book does exactly that, it allows people to make a reservation without having to wait for approval or acceptance.
As it's not the fault of the guest that you can't accommodate them you must contact Airbnb support to arrange the cancellation and / or re-accommodation. That way the guest will be refunded by Airbnb. Should the reason for cancellation qualify under the instant book rules or Airbnb's extenuating circumstances policy, it may be panalty free.