How do I make my listing visible when the "family" filter is ticked on Android searches

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

How do I make my listing visible when the "family" filter is ticked on Android searches



Thanks for reading!


I have been checking my listings today and when I go in from my android phone i see a filter option of "Trip type/for families". When I tick this option my house disappears! My house has plenty of family friendly options and I have good solid 5 star history. I have cleared my cache on my samung, and have turned the app on and restared it also. Still no luck.


I have already unticked the smoking option as apparently that stops the family friendly option (I was allowing smoking outside only, but have no just added that to my rules instead).


Any ideas anyone  I'd love to hear from all the experts out there!


Many thanks from New Zealand



8 Replies 8
Level 6
Greensboro, NC

wish I knew! 

having the same problem 

Level 2
Christchurch, New Zealand

Hi Dassi 


It' come right for me now. I untucked smoking and I have a fee family amenities ticked. It' appeared correctly now. I think it may have been a roll my delay issue. Hopefully it'l come right for you soon!


All the best


@Anna491@Dassi0 if you click on the "Family collection" box, it should show you what you need to do to be in the collection. There are links (the blue text) within the progress information that will provide specifics about what you need to add/achieve.


Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 6.00.01 PM.png

I don't see this under my progress tab for work or family and I called customer service but they don't even know about this feature. would someone please assist me and tell me how could I get this table for family and work requirement please 

@Ramy5 what *do * you see?

(maybe post a screenshot of how your page differs?)



@Ramy5 I don't know why, but the new version hasn't been rolled out to your listing yet.

The last tab should be "Opportunities".

"Standards" is the old one, and does not include the Work or Family Collections.


I don't know how versions are deployed. But if you tell an AirBnB person that in your "Progress" page (I am assuming it is not still called "Stats") that you still have the old "Standards" tab and not the "Opportunities (new)" tab, that will at least help them understand what is going on.


thank you so much that will make it easy to explain it to customer services 

