How do you change from co-host to primary

Level 1
Kentfield, CA

How do you change from co-host to primary

My daughter started up our Airbnb account listing me as co-host.  I would like to edit this and be the primary host.  How do I do this?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Stacey52  Since two people are featured in the profile picture, is the profile I see the mother or the daughter?  I do not see any listing attached, so I think it is the mother, Stacey, right?  


If that is the case, then the listing is under the daughter's profile.  You will have to deactivate the listing and then start a new listing on your profile.  Reviews will stay with the old listing.  In your description of the listing, mention the previous listing and that you have been doing this for so long with such and such rating.


I don't believe there is a way for the co-host to take over the listing on the host profile.