How do you post the accomadation price for "a single bedroom" and a price for the "entire house"

Level 1
Sechelt, Canada

How do you post the accomadation price for "a single bedroom" and a price for the "entire house"

We are recently new to hosting on Airb&b. What we are having a problem with is we have two prices for our place. One is for the single room and one is for the entire home. The problem is that AirB&B posts our price for our place at the "single" room price. There is no distictnition for either or?


What we have been expriencing is a client has booked the entire house for the "stated room price". How can we make this distinction when the client clicks on the booking button and get the "room price"?


Someone suggested that we actually put out two different ads. One for the single room price and another ad for the entire house . This seems really clunky. There must be an easier way??




Kevin and Bonita



Top Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You need to create a second listing for your whole place and link the calendars so you don't double book your place.


Do have a look at the useful community guides on these forums and the Airbnb Help Centre as there lots of useful information for new hosts.

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2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You need to create a second listing for your whole place and link the calendars so you don't double book your place.


Do have a look at the useful community guides on these forums and the Airbnb Help Centre as there lots of useful information for new hosts.

Level 10
Austin, TX

@Kevin446 Clunky maybe but that’s how it works. Two listing is what it takes to get two prices