How does Airbnb decide when to localize the platform and communications in a new language?

Level 1
Bucharest, Romania

How does Airbnb decide when to localize the platform and communications in a new language?

To be more precise - why isn't there a Romanian version of the platform? How big should the community be in order to benefit from a localized website? 


I am also asking this taking into consideration that all the Sponsored posts that I am seeing on Facebook from Airbnb are in Spanish (I don't know why) and I would like to understand at which point Airbnb could get closer to the Romanian community. Bucharest alone has over 1,200 hosts.


Is the ROI not big enough? Couldn't the number of hosts/guests from Romania increase if the platform were in Romanian too?


This is pure curiosity, since I don't mind using the website in English and I love Airbnb as it is. 




1 Reply 1
Level 2
Brașov, Romania

Servus Irina,


Ce ai intrebat tu aici, am incercat sa discut si eu cu cei de la airbnb. I-am rugat doar sa adauge limba romana in lista de dropdown ca sa adaug descrierea in Romana....dar nu ai cu cine, nu asculta nimeni...sunt ocupati sa faca bani si probabil ca se pliaza pe majoritate. 


Pentru pensiunea mea am folosit cu succes booking, unde pentru cei 15% incasati ai macar suport, chiar si in Romana. Dar si mie imi plac cateva idei de pe airbnb. Oricum ambele companii sunt interesate doar **bleep** sa scoate cat mai multi bani.




De ce nu facem un site gen airbnb al nostru, in Romania? sa nu mai fie problema cu declararea veniturilor la anaf, sa implementam feature-uri utile comunitatii romane...


Numai bine,



Numai bine,
