Level 4
Maryland, United States


I previously had a guest who physically threatened me when I filed a claim for destroyed furniture and linen. I called AIRBNB and they said they blocked her but they allowed her to leave a slandering one-star review. To add insult to injury, she said in the private comments, "I was going to give you a five star review before you decided to charge me for the furniture". AIRBNB did not find this "against policy" although the review was clearly biased. While I wasnt happy with the review, I felt comfortable because AIRBNB customer service said she would no longer see any of my listings or be able to communicate with me.


Last week, I had a couple stay in a room and the next morning the boyfriend and girlfriend got into a screaming match that ended with him phsyically assaulting her, breaking a chair leg in the living room during the rumble, terrifying the other guests and them running out the back door when the police arrived. I've reported the guest but could not seem to block this guest no matter how much I have tried. Then tonight (one week later), his girlfriend tried to book and we declined...telling her "sorry we are unable to accept your request" (she's not instant book eligible). Then 5 minutes later, HE WAS ABLE TO INSTANT BOOK  for immediate occupancy!! Can you believe this?? I let him know via message that we would not honor his reservation and called AIRBNB that very second.


I'm on hold for 45 minutes and still waiting while a manager's manager tries to figure out what to do in this situation. What is going on?!?! Finally, Roxanne (the AIRBNB rep) comes back from hold to tell me she will cancel the reservation. We hang up. Two minutes later, she calls  back and asking permission to give him a full refund - I gladly obliged. She said she was going to "give him a full refund and help him find another place to stay" ?!?!?! I asked if she were going to tell the next host what happened during his previous stay - she said no because "that's not policy". Can you imagine AIRBNB willingly putting a guest known for assault in your home? I am shocked. I'm not saying criminal checks should occur for guests, but when guests (or hosts) are on bad behavior, there should be a mechanism in place that triggers an alert to future guests & hosts. At minimum don't let them instant book! 


I am terrified to discover AIRBNB is not following up on reported users AND not allowing hosts to block guests such as this. AIRBNB, your policy is putting hosts and guests at risk by allowing guests such as this to continue using your platform. Furthermore, you completely strip a hosts ability to protect themselves by not allowing us to block!  We (hosts) need changes ASAP.


I would recommend AIRBNB put a big BLOCK button for guests such as this. AIRBNB should take these matter extremely serious and ban guests from the site. 

51 Replies 51
Level 10
Tasmania, Australia


Yes Airbnb!!!

Bring back the BLOCK function for hosts ASAP.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

This is appalling that Airbnb has not taken down his account following his behaviour.


I would perhaps follow up with them on social media and ask them why they have not cancelled the profile of a guest who committed an act of domestic violence in your home, so he doesn't put other hosts and guests at risk.


Hopefully. you left an  honest review for these guests,  which will mean other hosts will be warned about his behaviour, pending Airbnb blocking their account.


These are the steps you take to block guests from contacting you/booking with you


I'm trying to alert AirBnB hosts in Mexico regarding CarbonNation cult which lived in our village of Consejo, Corozal District, Belize. https://www.facebook.com/1425967307619640/posts/corozal-for-the-most-part-corozal-is-a-very-quiet-ar...

They relocated to AirBnB in Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico late May/early June where one meber died in the yard. A baby was born in the yard Nov 2018. They don't believe in toilets and poop outside whenever possible. I know it sounds crazy but if you go to YouTube search "Natureboy Throws a Whole Tantrum" at minute 8:15 you will see his latest rant on the subject.

They apparently were evicted and relocated to Cancun and rented a place where the host thought she was renting for 10.There's actually 15 or 16 adults and an infant baby girl, plus one due anytime and one June 14th. They left from there yesterday with no incident.

I'm sure they are at an AirBnB in MX, most likely Puerto Adventuras, Q.R. or within the states of Yucatan, Chiapas, or Tobasco.

Are there discussion forums for members of specific areas? I am not an AirBnB host. Thanks.

Helen, thanks for the information. Have you ran across any way to flag a guest for future hosts? I do not know enough about AirBnB. I want to flag the US sex cult CarbonNation for all countries in Central America. AirBnB platform is perfect for them because of how different cult members revolve in and out of CarbonNation. Different name = different guest=same cult.

Level 10
Goldfield, NV

Never, ever use Instant Book. Turn it off and keep it off. Screen your guests carefully by conversing with them through messages before accepting their reservation.

Good to know!  I'm new at this, any advice on how to screen?  So far I just ask purpose of visit and confirm how many are coming.  

@Christina666  Check a guest's past reviews, if they have any. Read their profile blurb. Send them a bit of a chatty message, asking if they have read through your entire listing description and reiterating the points that are really important for a guest to be aware of, not just asking the purpose of their visit and how many guests. You can tell a lot about people from how they respond.

I also don't use Instant Book, as I host a private room in my home and want to feel that this person is someone I'll feel comfortable with.

@Sarah977 Thank you.  I wonder if I'm doing something wrong, because when someone requests to book I cannot see their reviews, profile, etc, until after I accept the booking.  Instant book creeps me out so I won't do that, but is everyone able to see their profile and reviews before accepting request?

@Christina666  Yes. When you get a Request or Inquiry, click on the circle that has a letter in place of the the guest profile photo to the left of the Request and the message stream. This will bring up the guest's profile and reviews. 

I just got a Request an hour ago. The guest sent the kind of message that makes hosts leery. " I'll be arriving at noon if all goes well." (I haven't even accepted his request at this point and he's already telling me when he's going to arrive, as if it's a done deal)

So I looked at his profile and saw that he actually had 2 reviews, both of them quite good. I messaged back, asking if he had throroughly read through my listing info and was aware that it was only for 1 guest and that it's a 20 minute walk into town and the beach and that if he understood all that, that I'd be happy to accept his reservation.

He messaged back right away, the message he should have sent in the first place-"Yes, I'm totally aware of that and I'm just looking for a relaxing, peaceful time to get away from the city."

@Sarah977 Wow, I swear I did that and it only showed that they had been verified and had x number of reviews, but I wasn't able to read them.  I'll try again on the next request.  Thanks so much for taking the time to help out.

@Sarah0, thanks so much, I'm able to see the reviews now.  Funny, I am now in a situation similar to the one you're describing. Got a request from a student in France saying  she loves my place and emailed it to her mom, who will contact me from her account to book.  Next day the daugher asks for a discount, and says they have found another nice place and if I discount mine, that will help them choose my place.     I wrote back and asked if she noticed it is just one Queen size bed, and that it actually might be very cramped for a mother and daughter to share.  I also said it's already priced extremely low while I am getting reviews, and if they have another place at a better price, they should go ahead and take it.  Later I get a message from the mom,  who requests to book and says "we like your place, and the area. see you soon."  At this point I'm turned off by them and thinking they will be high maintenance.   So I decide I want to decline their request, but then I see she does have good reviews.  The mom is from Peru as well, so perhaps it's a language barrier type issue.  But my gut is telling me they will be a pain and also it really is a small space for a mom and daugher.    Can I just decline them, does that have a negative affect on me?  


When we first started I felt that way about everyone! I was worried they would be high maintenance or some other weird thing would happen. Turns out all but 1 of my guests were pretty great. The one that wasnt....he smoked in his room even though I told him not too. That's the worst thing that happened so far! So, jump in and get your feet wet and relax. I think you will be surprised 🙂


Level 7
Lewisville, TX

I'm actually considering noting on my profile that I work for the government and with the local police (which I do in my job) to deter guests like the one you are talking about. I was hesitant because I know some people hate people that have my job, but the more I think about it, the more I think that perhaps that will be a deterrant for them booking my home. Still on the fence about it. I'm a single woman hosting. If I found out that Airbnb let someone another guest had called the police on book my home and didn't warn me, and something happened to me...I'd sue them for all they were worth. Or my family would. LOL. I also Airbnb when I travel, but I NEVER book a home where other guests are staying too. This is due to not knowing who else the hosts let book. Its a personal preference.


I've also increased my price a bit so I'm not the cheapest room in town. That has really helped with my quality of guests. What happens now is that I don't normally get long term bookings, but I do get last minute (a few days before) bookings. You have to be comfortable with your calendar empty until close to the week of though. Because I have a full time job, I don't depend on the income though, so that may be a difference. One thing I have done to encourage some of the guests that have been great to come back, is that I've offered a slight discount on their next stay. I wait until after they review me and then message them, thanking them for the review, and telling them that if they need to book in the area again I'll give them a 10% discount on the current fee.