I already paid the hosting but the hosts cancel our reservation

Level 1
Jerantut, Malaysia

I already paid the hosting but the hosts cancel our reservation

Hi guys ,



I already paid the hosting but the hosts cancel our reservation  

This i bad and mae me sad.


How can I get my money back ?



Here is the message from the host.

Dear Hairun Azmi Really sorry. T

his room has become not be able to invite you to.

By Japanese law, no longer able to provide my room. So, unfortunately, I must cancel the accommodation.

Will affect your schedule of accommodation, we are sorry.

Later, I think that there is a contact from the customer support.


If, if you are a hope, Because here the rooms are available, Please make your reservation if the vacancy. ↓ *** Really sorry, tarojiro






1 Reply 1
Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Hairun-Azmi0,


Lovely to meet you and welcome to the Community Center. 


I am sorry to hear your host cancelled your reservation, I am sure there is still time to find somewhere as nice to stay. Can I ask when is your trip planned for? 


As the CC is for community discussion it isn't managed by any of the Support team, therefore I wonder have you also tried contacting Airbnb Support directly about this? Here is a useful link with a Community Help Guide on different ways to contact them.


Lastly, just to let you know I have edited your post for safety reasons, as it is publicly visible, and it contained personal information. 


I hope this was helpful. Do let me know.


Thanks, Lizzie




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