I had a load of messages this morning, which are clearly wrong e.g. repeats of old messages.

Level 1
Norwich, United Kingdom

I had a load of messages this morning, which are clearly wrong e.g. repeats of old messages.

I want to know if Airbnb has been hacked, and is this the cause?  Why would I suddenly get a load of random messages.  One person also said I messaged him, which I didn't.  The messages weren't spam, they all involved people who had been guests or who had made enquiries in the past.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

@Julie616 There are a lot of posts like yours, so it must have been a bug on airbnb.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"
Level 1
Norwich, United Kingdom

but does it mean that my account has been hacked?  Why hasn't Airbnb issued a notice if it is something they are aware of and then we wouldn't need to be suspicious.