I'll be without internet access for a week...

Level 2
Santa Cruz, CA

I'll be without internet access for a week...

I've snoozed my listing so I don't get new inquiries but what do I do about responding to people who have already made upcoming reservations and might email me?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Florence, Canada

I have come home from a week off-grid with the listing snoozed to find messages from upcoming guests, @Maisie5 . I just answer them at that point, and apologize for having been off-grid for a week. Have never had anyone get upset. 

And if you are worried about response rate, that is tied to initial responses, so the system is not upset either.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Maisie5  How about sending all the upcoming guests a message letting them know you'll be off-grid for a week? 

Level 10
Florence, Canada

I usually agree with you, @Sarah977 , but the reason I would not recommend this to @Maisie5  is because there will be months of guests to contact likely, and I know I am reluctant to let so many people know the exact dates that I won't be anywhere near my property...

@Lawrene0  Well that certainly makes sense. What about not giving them exact dates, just something like "I'm going to be going camping for a bit, so if you send me a message and don't hear back right away, don't fret- I'll answer all as soon as I get back." I might even say something like "My husband ( daughter, son) will be here, but he doesn't handle the messaging at all",  even if it wasn't true.

I just know if I were a guest with an upcoming reservation and a week went by without a host answering my message, I'd be really concerned and upset.

Level 1
D.C., DC

how do I snooze my listing