I want to somehow kindly word that we don't accept guest that are new to on airbnb. Suggestions??

I want to somehow kindly word that we don't accept guest that are new to on airbnb. Suggestions??

I've been hosting for the past couple months now and find that I am most comfortable accepting guests that are not new with airbnb and have positive reviews.  I have a private room that I rent in my home and share common spaces so I want to have more feedback from other hosts before I allow a stranger in my home. I currently have a new reservation pending but they have nothing about themselves and they didn't send a message either. This is the first time anyone has tried to make a reservation without sending the "hello I am so and so wanting to rent your room in your home"......  Just as I don't allow kids and smokers I want to add that I also don't accept new airbnb travelers without reviews.  suggestions??

19 Replies 19
Level 10
Oslo, Norway

Hi Ernie and Lenora

There is options on the booking section, if you turn on the Instant Booking you can choose to have guests who are recommended by other hosts, if your Instant Booking off you can just decline to guests with no reviews. You can also send them message asked them about who else traveling with them, is that first time they visit your city, just exchange few messages and try to find out before you accept the booking. 


Happy hosting!



Thank you Jen,
yes I guess I can always just decline because I do not have the instant booking. I feel it might be tacky to put in the description "we don't accept those that are new without reviews"

But dont decline too much. If you do this it will affecting your listing and it will be harder to get bookings in future. 🙂

Oh ok. I have only declined twice and both were because they were wanting to bring their young children even though I have it clearly stated no young children in house rules.
Level 10
Bergen, Norway

Simply adjust your settings to those verified.  

In this particular case I would try and strike up a conversation - ask them to tell a bit about themselves and their purpose for visiting, Newbies are just that - a bit insecure - boost up their confidence and explain them about the airbnb concept and you will have a booking in no time.

Any reluctance on the other part, go with your gut feeling and decline if necessary.


Oh thanks for that suggestion, I think I will strike up conversation and ask about him and his trip to my area. If I don't have a good gut feeling I will decline. I wish people know that more is better here! More pics, more info on themselves, etc. it's always nice for a host to have a lot of info.

Definitely ask them to complete their profile and to provide a decent photo.  

Also adjust your settings to no children and repeat in the description to avoid having to decline too often.

I added in my description "no children" so I havent had anyone inquire about a reservation with kids recently. I noticed that on the calender on my computer it says "verification pending" but when I view profile it says "verified". I also dont have the option to accept or decline right now. I guess just wait? But it says the guest has 12 hours to complet the verification. Maybe there is more on his part? I guess this should be a new conversation and not this thread ha

If there is a reservation request pending verifiation, your calendar will be blocked until they complete or it is timed out.

Level 10
San Marcos, TX

If you truly feel 'it might be tacky to put in the description "we don't accept those that are new without reviews" ', are you just looking for a more PC way to do it?

Honestly. I have had some of the nicest hosting Interactions with newbies. It starts with a good pre-convo while using your intuition.

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Yes I also agree it is tacky to state that newbies are not allowed to book at our place and we too have had some of the most amazing guests that were new.

I recently had a bad apple from a newbie and thanfully it wasnt super terrible.....Since then I have had my guard up a little!

Thanks for your input!

I think it is a coincidence that your bad apple was a newbie.  My own experience (and it seems to be the same report from other experienced hosts) newbies are no more trouble than other guests.

Level 5
Winston-Salem, NC


Two thoughts:1. If you want a more politically correct statement: Booking priority is given to guests with one or more positive host reviews.

2. 80% of my bookings are newbies. I do require verification before booking. I end up being part: AIRBNB orientation person for helping them understand the process and part new friend. I am blessed that several of my guests I consider AIRBNB friends. There have been a few awkward times when people have high end hotel expectations for a budget-friendly reservation; but this is new to them. In my area, I think it AIRBNB is new to most.

Do I remember correctly that you were fairly new to hosting?  If yes, you may wish to either give priority to experienced guests until you have a better comfort OR give yourself a chance to get more comfortable with hosting before you place extra rules on the guests. Either way, you should do what is comfortable for you in your home.  Anne

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

First: 50% of our guest have been new to AirBnB and have been amazing guests with no reviews.

Second: go by your gut instinct, because if you don't feel comfortable, then no matter how nice they are you will be on edge.


It;s easy - trust your gut feeling