
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Instant Booking CANNOT be TURNED OFF for some New Hosts-Terrible Idea

Level 2
New York, NY

Instant Booking CANNOT be TURNED OFF for some New Hosts-Terrible Idea

I'm a brand new host (actually hosting my first guest this weekend). Air BnB is doing some sort of misguided experiment wherby a portion of new hosts are not able to TURN INSTANT BOOKING OFF. I have called them twice and both representatives say that there has been a ton of negative feedback about this new policy. Just because a guest verifies his/her identity to Air BnB it says absolutely nothing about their character. I much prefer being able to exchange a message or two wth the guest to get a better idea of their personality before hosting them. THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH AIR BNB's NEW INSTANT BOOKING ON POLICY. To be forced to allow guests that Air BnB, NOT THE HOST, deems as "trustworthy" to sleep in my bed is COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE.  It needs to end now or I will cancel my hosting listing and advise the 4 new hosts I know to do the same. They're already about to do it. TERRIBLE IDEA. TOTALLY MISGUIDED. 

27 Replies 27

@Adam41  I cannot imagine what it must be like to be forced to use IB; Any new hosts that find themselves in this difficult position should contact airbnb and explain why they do not like this obligation to accept IB with no possibility to switch it off. On the groups pages which are now closed, I always advised newbies to get a little experience in talking to their guests before turning on IB. This seemed the logical and sensible advice at the time and I am still convinced it is the correct way to go. Airbnb need and indeed, ask for feedback on the various new experiments they are undertaking so I encourage you to give your personal feedback on this subject. Good Luck Adam.

Thank you for your encouraging words. It is reassuring to hear that experienced hosts like yourselves can understand why this is a bad idea. The two customer service representatives I spoke with were very kind but were unable to do anything to help. Both of them mentioned that many new hosts have been calling to either voice their displeasure with this new policy or to cancel Instant Booking reservations that they felt uncomfortable with. 

I have been an airbnb host for 2.5 years and am a super host.  I am horrified by this idea of being forced to use instant book. 


Several problems not mentioned:

1. Sometime we need to communicate with the guest to make sure it is a good fit.  With instant book, that is not possible until after the fact.  This then costs a lot of time and trouble.  It can result in poor guest service.

2. This turns the situation into a hotel--where anybody can book.  When I have used Instant Book, I have had a few guests who thought this meant it should be like a hotel--check in whenever, do whatever.  One couple actually said they did not want to see me in my home because it was instant book.  They did not like it that they were greeted in the shared kitchen in the morning. This was a one night honeymoon kind of trip.

3. Sometimes people are in a hurry and instant book without reading the listing.  Obviously, problems can arise when that happens.

4. Advocating for airbnb:  I am a strong advocate.  I have praised airbnb as a wonderful option that brings people together.  I have explained that it is not like a hotel, and that guests are screened carefully (no stranger danger).  I cannot honestly say that anymore if any host anywhere is forced to use instant book.


Great points, Lisa.

Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


I too have had quite a number of requests I had to decline because guests weren't a good fit and in a few cases it was men requesting to book who I didn't feel safe enough to have staying in my home with me.

And as to the situation that @Lisa166 mentioned of the honeymooning couple, it's a classic example of how so many guests are seduced by images and don't really read the listing or the house rules. With IB being foisted upon hosts Airbnb is opening a Pandora's box. Having the chance to communicate with potential guests beforehand is exactly what made Airbnb different from other rental platforms. It's sad to see how they are pushing hosts more and more into a tight box while proclaiming it to be an advantage.

Just today I got a mail with a link to improvements of this IB possibility. They are selling it in the usual upbeat warm and fuzzy way that completely undermines hosts who do not want IB:

"Now, when someone searches for a place to stay and their travel dates are less than a week away, they see a message like this: “Your trip is coming up in 3 days. Look for the lightning bolt for faster booking.”


If you haven't given feedback yet, feel free to use any of this if it helps!

Level 10
Somerville, MA

Can't agree more! This is a horrible idea, especially for shared spaces. This is my home. My refuge from the world. I love the idea of sharing my home with others, but I want to have a conversation with them first. So far, at least half my inquiries have been totally inappropriate for my home. What has been wrong with these inquiries? The wrong number of people, a check in time that is impossible, or wanting full control of my kitchen.


Be honest, I am reconsidering this platform. After all, I am the product they are selling!

Level 10
Inzell, Germany

@Adam41, @Susan151, @Lisa166, @Raymond-and-Elaine0,


Hello are currently having the same kind of conversation in the german speaking community center and we all filed out the feedback for instant booking. That's the most efficiant way to complain about and to write down your concerns... Some of us even communicated, that they woudl shut down their listings, if we would be obliged to turn on the instant booking on a perment basis.


Please go to Help Center - then to Feedback - select instant booking - and please express your concerns - otherwise nothing changes.


Best regards,

Ralf, Germany

Thanks Ralf for the directions on where to lodge a complaint!  I just gave them Feedback even though we're not required to use IB, we began 6 months ago.  Told them we would not be hosting if forced to do that & a few examples of clients that made me feel that way.

Thanks again, you made it easy!  🙂

I am just trying to switch instant book off as  I want to converse and decide for myself, I cant get the contact bit do a drop down for switching off, I will call them now thanks,


We would not  be hosting if forced to use IB! We've only been doing it 6 months, already we've turned down a "birth tourism" young lady from Beijing that wanted to stay 3 months, have her baby & go home to Beijing! Also had 4 young men that after communicating with them, they realized it wouldn't be a good fit.  They were here to PARTY! He said he knew they'd be coming in drunk & loud, once they knew it was within our home (hadn't read well enough to be aware), it was a no-go. 


Heck NO to IB.  AIRBNB what are you thinking??  Trying to thin the ranks??? That will work!


Level 10
Bend, OR

Here is my guess as to why AirBnB has turned it on for newbies... Newbies will not know how to turn it off and may not even be able to turn it off, so AirBnB gets their cut of the money even if the host has to turn down the guest.  Follow the money and you will find the reason things are done.



That is a bit insulting! I am perfectly capable of turning widgets on and off. Heck, generally I am the one writing them.

Be well....

Level 10
Templeton, CA

For those of you following this conversation, here's the link to leave Feedback. Airbnb doesn't respond to each feedback post but at least your voice will be heard amongst the chorus of complaints about this issue.




Instant Book is a dream come true for theives!  They can IB a couple of nights in their home town in a posh looking house, case the place, learn the owners' routine, get a few keys cut.... and return  a few weeks later.