I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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I have an open case currently against one of my guests. They absolutely trashed my house when they left. They had garbage everywhere and everything were taken out of my cupboards. They left dishes everywhere, bags of rotting food and the place was a mess. My cleaner spent an extra 2 hours cleaning and charged me double the fee. I raised a case against my guest and escalated to Airbnb for resolution. This was only my 2nd case as a host and my first experience was great win my case manager that I did not cover what was going to hppen. After my escalation, she did not attempt to contact me at all. I waited 2 weeks, and nothing. Zilch. Not even an acknowledgement. I reached out to support to inquire and then she called me the next day. She had the audacity to say that my place was not trashed and it was normal. I was furious that she thought this was the norm, and even more pissed at the way she wasn’t talking to me. I expressed how frustrated I was and the lack of communication from her was not professional. She responded oh I tried to call you, I couldn’t get to you. I’m like why didn’t you email them. She’s like oh I thought calling you was better, I’m like why didn’t you leave a message. She had nothing to say to that. It was literally she didn’t even look at my case until I escalated.
Rant/ How does case workers like her continue to have a job? She clearly has no regard for hosts and their space.
But am I wrong?? I’ve posted my photos, you guys let me know if this is a normal condition for your unit to be left in. Am I crazy to think this should not be the condition you leave an Airbnb??? I have never left an Airbnb in this condition before.
Bag of bones left under my couch
@Delia79 No, I wouldn't consider this normal. Major slobs with zero respect. But hopefully they didn't break anything? You will get these kinds of guests from time to time, and it's unfortunately just part of doing business. I guess your case manager leaves places she stays looking like this and considers it normal? You should ask her that.
I'd continue with the escalation if the guests are refusing to pay for the extra hours of cleaning, but in the future, if you get a CS rep who is clueless and useless, just thank them for their time, let them close the case, and call back in the hopes of getting someone more helpful. You may have to do this several times before you get a good one. It's pointless to continue with a CS rep like you had. When you disengage and start anew, don't mention that you already dealt with someone else, present it as a new case.
If this one doesn't go anywhere, try contacting through Twitter, which is reported to get the best and fastest results.
I hope you review these slobs appropriately.
What you're dealing with there is a special category of Airbnb customer I Like to call "scum", and as you found out to your peril Airbnb couldn't care less...
I often thought as a protest that host on mass should go to Airbnb’s HQ, throwing rubbish and filth around their reception area, so they can get the message, notifying local news agency of our protest.
What you witness is not acceptable behaviour and they should be banned from Airbnb, which is even more difficult nowadays, considering Airbnb are quite happy with incognito travellers.
Airbnb is just giving you what we like to call in Ireland the “deaf ear” listening but hearing nothing.
Sorry @Delia79, but this is just one of the reasons why Airbnb is moving more and more away from the "traditional" homesharing model, and towards the professional/commercial model. Higher returns, less host drama.
Yes, the place is a bit of a state. Yes, the guests were disrespectful slobs. Yes, of course you're pissed. But trashed?? No. That's messy, not trashed (I've had my place trashed - twice - and this doesn't even begin to compare).
It's difficult to understand how it took your cleaner two extra hours to clean. From the looks of the pics, it appears that there would have been some additional picking up, tidying and a few dishes to wash. Certainly doesn't seem to warrant involving Airbnb. Quite frankly, hosts need to be dealing with these minor aggravations themselves, and saving the calls to CX for more important issues.
I agree with @Susan17. Open up a bin bag, throw loads of stuff in and get that washing-up in the machine. We all have these types, thankfully not that often. Clean up, move on.
leave them thumb down, 1* for cleanliness and short and clear review as they deserve.
Be happy if there is no damage done
Unfortunately, we all play Russian roulette here with Airbnb so-called "security deposit". If Airbnb would collect real deposit then guests would act differently
I have had also very poor experience with a Case Manager.
They effectively can decide what ever they want to do with no oversight. I presented photos that proved my guest was providing false images and they ignored it completely and gave the guest a full refund.