Lazy responding to a serious error from the Airbnb support

Level 5
Split, Croatia

Lazy responding to a serious error from the Airbnb support

So as of right now i dont know who is in the wrong here 50% of the people ive talked with have told me i was in the wrong and 50 % have told me it was a system error that caused this.

I lost 6 days  of my season to a booking that paid about 30 to 40 % less  then what i had set , all in all i lost 300 euros .

all of my prices were set from 140 euros to 80/75ish 

which is not something i ever wanted .

i set smart pricing for the apartment and i  disabled smart pricing for the 7th and the 8th with this


and today at 1 o clock in the morning i  recieved a booking  and all of my prices  for those months were going berserk i lost all of the control i thought i had, and which i have had for months before  in one night.


Its not like these prices just started to go up and down for months, this happened  today .


i tried talking to airbnb support( i wont name his name bcs i dont know if i have the right to do that since it was a private conversation between a support worker and the customer ) 

What i got in return was " its not us" and this is  how you set up the system , but i did not.

My mother also saw the same problem appear on her airbnb account (she also does hosting ) 

I asked a couple of people on facebook that are also Airbnb hosts and they said that they have just had the same issue as i have .

the reason im writting this is bcs at some point the person in the   Airbnb support stopped talking with me and ignored my request to solve this issue via call to avoid further confusion.


again im not sure if im in the wrong or if its the system but right now i am in a situation  where i lost 300 euros  and i have no exact explaination of what i have done wrong  or if its indeed the system that messed up .

i have so many questions 

bcs the prices for those months were never changing  for months now , and then all of a sudden today they all just dropped out of nowhere , if it really was my mistake wouldnt those prices drop months before  already and not just today ?.


If my plea with the people in Airbnb support is being ignored where do i turn to exactly ? 


Edit : ive been contacted by several Hosts  that said the exact same thing "i woke up i checked out your post, i took a peek at my calendar and all of my prices have been radically changed as well " 

13 Replies 13
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


izgleda da si u pravu, evo još jedan post o tome


Čini se da je sada sve opet u redu, barem kod mene, ali očito je da im se noćas nešto zblesiralo

glava boli od ovoga cili dan 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

lipo mi je znat da nisan jedini i da nisan lud 

Ima nas još, meni se isto desilo sa dvije rezervacije sinoć, a pregledom kalendara smo skužili na još 2 apartmana da su ukljucene smart prices. 

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Zdenko1  @Petar16  i ostali, kontaktirajte svoje frendove iznajmljivače neka i oni provjere i onda svi , jedan po jedan, kontaktirajte Airbnb. Kad se nađu zatrpani vašim reklamacijama shvatiti će da je greška kod njih,


Kontakti :

Airbnb Ireland office  +353 1 697 1831

Twitter (#Airbnbhelp )




Level 1
Split, Croatia

I meni je bilo jutros. Znaci tili su mi rezervirat mjesec dana u sred sezone za 1000 eura, mislim strasno i zalosno. Najgore je sto moram odbiti rezervaciju , ali valjda nece to utjecati na buduce rezervacije . Gospodo Branka&Silvia puno vam hvala sto ste mi komentirali . 

Official Account

Hello everyone,
A few hosts here in the Community Center reported that they have seen prices on their calendar change and received some bookings that did not reflect the prices they expected given their current settings.
Our engineering team has identified the issue and is presently working on fixing it. We realize that this is frustrating and are handling it with urgency. 
Thank you for your patience.


[@Petar16 @Marija107 @Zdenko1 @Branka-and-Silvia0]

Can we have an update, please? I woke up this morning with my calendar having been switched over to Smart Pricing - at a great inconvenience to both myself and the guests who reached out to book my unit since I have to decline their requests.

Could you please let us know what will be done about booking that have been made while this problem occurred.  I have guests that have booked and think that they have somewhere to stay. I smunsure wether ishould be cancelling the more hat to do

Official Account

Update: thank you all for your patience. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience the Smart Pricing issue is causing you. We know some of you received bookings during the time of the disruption. For those of you who received bookings that were affected by the disruption, we are in the process of reaching out to each of you individually to ensure appropriate compensation for those nights. You should receive an email with next steps within the next few days.


@Jude56 @Lisa1889 

Level 2
England, United Kingdom


I just wanted to know if this issue has been resolved?  I had the exact same issue. Luckily I spotted it before I got any bookings, but now I am going into calendar several times a day checking the prices to make sure they haven’t changed again. 


 I had my calendar open until March 2020 so I blocked everything and then went back and changed the price for each date. 


Can  Airbnb please confirm if, or when, this has been fixed. 


@AirbnbHi I haven't heard from anyone. I've asked airbnb to cancel the booking and they still haven't. Meanwhile as long as those lucrative dates are blocked I can't receive other bookings