Length of stay options

Level 1
Flint, MI

Length of stay options

Is there a way to to allow different lengths of stays depending on how far out the booking is? As of now I take one night bookings, but I hate when someone books one night 6 months in advance. I would prefer to require 2 night minimum until within a month or two and then allow one night bookings to fill in the gaps. Is this possible? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Not automatically, but you can set different min. lenght of stay for certain time periods.

Level 10
Caernarfon, United Kingdom


Switch on the professional hosting tools, create a rule set and apply it to future months on the calendar. 

You'll have to remove it each month as the date gets nearer to your 1 night requirement.




Another option, if you're not on instant book, just send them a special offer. Do take note, though, that special offer already includes the cleaning fee so take that into consideration as well when you decide how much you will offer.