Link multiple listings does not work?

Level 1
Bangkok, Thailand

Link multiple listings does not work?

Hi all,


I have a home with 2 bedrooms so I create 3 listings, one each for each bedroom and the third one is for the entire house. I tried using the created the linked listing function, it looked fine but then when I tried to test by blocking the entire house listing, the other 2 listings are not blocked. Or is this function only works when there is a real booking coming in? 


Thank you very much in advance for all of your advices.



3 Replies 3

@Mongkol0 - only with a booking.  You can block individual calendars.  

Hi Alice & Jeff, thank you very much for your help. That is really what I assume. I wish the link would be more useful if it applies to both from guest reservation and from host themselves....



Level 1
Hunningham, United Kingdom

Is this an Airbnb business decision (making it more difficult to manage bookings made outside Airbnb) or a bug. In my case I only list on Airbnb but have friends staying and it seems at the moment have to block the whole house. I have spoken to support and they agreed it was a bug. Will update if I hear anything more.


As an aside and to avoid confusion Airbnb use 'synced' calendars when referring to external (outside Airbnb) calendars and 'linked' calendars between Airbnb listings.