Listed two separate spaces but can only find one when searching....

Level 2
Liverpool, GB

Listed two separate spaces but can only find one when searching....

Hi there - I am new to Airbnb and have placed two of my bedrooms up as two seperate spaces - room a and room b... when I have done a search only room a is showing - I have checked all room b's details are right and they are - my sister has had a look for me using her account but can only find the first one too... any help would be great... they are showing up on my listings as sperate spaces and are in my calandar as seperate spaces - just not showing up on the search (which I guess is the important bit)!! Thanks.... 

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Sarah1594 ,

You have only 1 active listing in your profile. Or something is wrong with the second one, or you have to wait some more time, as it can be up to 48 hours a listing is fully integrated in the system.

it's useless to search for a listing when it is not in your profile.

Best regards, Emiel