Listing is activated but not showing when I search for it

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Listing is activated but not showing when I search for it

I'm puzzled as to why I cannot see my listing in search results when I search for it.  I have even tried to find it using the property name and also the street address and it says no results.  Bookings started reasonably well but I've had nothing via airbnb for over a month or more.  Other OTA's are performiong well but not Airbnb which seems odd and I was wondering if there is something I am missing or have erroneously done that is effecting my visibility.  The property is Brockhurst Lodge in Gosport.


Thanks in advance for any assistance.

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


This is one of the most common questions on this community. In most cases the listing can be found, but not in top 100 or even top 300 of the initial search results. To check if your listing is in the search system look at this link:

(if map not shown turn it on in upper right corner)

As you can see it produces a result, so the listing can be found.

When searching as a guest zoom in on the map towards your location, and listing will show up.

Hope this helps,Emiel

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

Thank you Emiel! I'm relieved to see that it is somewhere in Airbnb.  Can I ask... is there any reason when I enter my town and a 3 day stay (I have a minimum 2 day requirement) on which I have availability my listing does not show in my search results - in fact the only listings that did show was for properties in surrounding towns.  There are not many listings in this town so I only expect to see 3 or 4 at most and then the rest of the listings are usually for one of the bigger towns around us.


Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Jacquie17 ,

Your listing only says it is in Hampshire. I think that is a county ?

There is no town mentioned (maybe that is the problem it's not easy to find...)

So what is the name of the town ?


Best regards, Emiel

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

That would explain the issue. Have you any idea how I get the town inserted into the listing. I can’t seem to find where I change it. 

Thank you for your support! Much appreciated.

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

hello @Jacquie17 ,

The location is set when listing is created. It is also on first page when modifying a listing (under "location"). But you can not change it by yourself. Has te be done by Airbnb (or create new listing...). I recently also had a issue with location (housenumber was missing).

I sent a message via Airbnb Help: contact and after some messaging the issue was resolved.

But you can also give them a call, UK phone number in here:

Contact Airbnb - A Community Help Guide [UPDATED]

What is the name of the town and Is the town available in the search system as keyword to search on?

best regards, Emiel

I’m having this same issue. It showing as listed but I can’t find it anywhere. I have had others do a search for me as well. What could the problem be?  It was working fine before. Please help.