Listing on multiple vacation sites - worthwhile or stick to just Airbnb? Booking conflicts?

Level 2
Salt Springs, FL

Listing on multiple vacation sites - worthwhile or stick to just Airbnb? Booking conflicts?

Question to prevent over lapping bookings from the multiple sites.  With a channel manager, do you manually go in and block the other sites after receiving a notification, or is this automatic?  I’m understanding a channel manager is the way to go when on Airbnb, VRBO, TripAdvisor, etc.  Is this true and what sites beside Airbnb generate the most business?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Quilcene, WA

Level 2
Salt Springs, FL

Thank you Lisa!  If I’m hearing you right,  whether to list on multiple sites for increased business Is very much dependent on location?  I do well on Airbnb *for my location* with 50-70% occupancy but have room to do better.  Wondering what increase others saw by expanding to other sites.