Managing my lisiting

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

Managing my lisiting

I cannot edit my lisitng, see my transactions, reply to guests on the Airbnb site, check my reservations or see previous correspondence with Airbnb. For the last 5 days I tried contacting Airbnb to solve this problem and although they have replied, the problem has not been solved. Worst of all is that this happened without me doing anything, now I have a lisiting that I can do nothing with, in fact I have a much access as a guest. The lisitng has been in operation since June 2016 and I am a superhost, yet I cannot get a decent response from Airbnb. I can close down the account and start another one but then I lose all my bookings. 

Has anyone had a similar problem?  

5 Replies 5

@Patricia928 I don't see any listing attached to the profile you are currently using.


It this a new user profile?

Or is this the profile that used to have the listing but now it disappeared? 

Level 1
Cape Town, South Africa

That is part of my problem. When I log-in it shows the original photo I supplied with my profile. If I then click on photos it takes me to the photo you see. If I click on edit profile under that photo it takes me back to the original photo with my profile. This photo is the same as my gmail and it may have to do with a problem I had logging in with facebook and then used Google. How do I sort this out?

@Patricia928 I guess there is some issue with your Host Account.


Not entirely sure what. Please do continue to contact AirBnB about it; let them know you do not have host access to your own listing.


I don't know if you have the phone number for AirBnB in South Africa, but I found this:


South Africa: +1-855-424-7262 (toll-free)



Thanks Matthew. Have been trying for the last 5 days to get Airbnb to help, without success. Will try phoning. 

I am using a channel manager and I see that I am unable to make changes to house rules / policies etc. How can I edit, kindly inform.


Thank you.