Melbourne And Auckland

Level 1
Grandville, MI

Melbourne And Auckland

My son(30) and I are traveling to Melbourne and Auckland in March 2020. We are looking for places (2 beds) to stay along coastal routes (preferably on the beach). Any suggestions or offers out there?


Our own Airbnb is in Grandville MI called Selah! Come visit us too! 


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

hello @Jai745 & welcome to ABB CC


That's fantastic you are traveling to New Zealand & Melbourne.

If you look through listings in the locations, main beach areas you are intending to visit you can better plan your travels.


Have a look through the main Listing Pages on the official ABB website.


If you also look through here in the CC using keywords Auckland and Melbourne you may be able to find some useful Host contacts.


How long are you planning to stay in Auckland?



1 week