My Airbnb guests ran up a phone bill

Level 1
Billingshurst, United Kingdom

My Airbnb guests ran up a phone bill

Hi, I had an Airbnb guest who stayed for 2 nights and ran up a £13 phone bill. Can I charge it to them? 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Jo544 you could file a claim through the resolution center but is it worth it? They might not pay and Airbnb will get involved and they will decide. You will probably get a bad review too. 

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You can charge the costs to the guest if you want, but it's a hassle as @Ana1136  mentioned already. So better learned a lesson: Guests should not have free access to your phone

Level 1
Billingshurst, United Kingdom

Thanks guys, I'll probably just put it down to experience then ☺