Hola @Amanda85!
I'm sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. These might be a technical issue and would contact Airbnb right away.
The quickest way to get an answer to your question is to use the Airbnb Help Center. There’s information on everything from Airbnb accounts to reservations, cancellations, and more. However, if you still need assistance, you can contact them directly by submitting a request, and one of the Airbnb Help Center team members will contact you in a timely manner.
Here is the link: https://www.airbnb.com/help/contact_us
Additionally, if you have any further questions about Airbnb policies or how the product works, ask the host community for help on the Help Board or check out the Airbnb Help Center. Usually any questions you have regarding Airbnb Policies and procedures can be found in the Help Center.
Otherwise, if you do not find the answer you seek in this board, check out the other boards available in the Community Forum, including the Host Circle, available once you post your fist listing.
Here are the links:
Airbnb Help Center: https://www.airbnb.com/hosting/help
Airbnb Help Board: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/bd-p/Community-Help-EN
Airbnb Host Circle: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Host-Circle/Welcome-to-Host-Circle/m-p/267704#M2077
If you prefer to contact them by phone, here is the Airbnb Customer Service line: 1-855-424-7262 or 1-415-800-5959.
However, due to high volume of callers, the average wait time can be over 5 minutes. So I would suggest submitting your question through the website or sending a message through Twitter, @AirbnbHelp.
If you don’t currently have an account, you may want to consider opening one up just for your Airbnb Listing. It’s also a great way to possibly increase bookings.
I hope this was helpful.
Happy Hosting!
Izzie, Co-Host
LOV Puerto Rico