Names of guests that are accompanying the booked guest

Level 3
Victoria, Canada

Names of guests that are accompanying the booked guest

When a guest books I always get their name - of course - but often they are bringing a "guest" of their own and I don't get that person's name or any ID.  How do you tactfully ask for this info?  And since I have to put something about myself can I ask a guest to tell me about them prior to accepting the booking?  Doesn't this go two ways?

Any help gratefully appreciated.

Marianna (Victoria)

3 Replies 3
Level 2
Overland Park, KS

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

I wish it was Cinnamon Bun Friday at my place too... Sigh.

As you can tell, I just read your profile. Hosts don't have to elaborate on their profile, but it is a really good thing to do. I often see host profiles which are entirely blank. I think that hosts who have info about themselves in their profile are more likely to get personal info back.

I don't ask for names of the travel company but they usually offer. ''It will be me, my husband Marvin and our grown daughter Suzie.''

Certainly you can prompt to tell you something about themselves and the purpose for their visit. ''What brings you to our part of the world, it is the cinnamon buns isn't it?'' (that would apply to me anyway)

If someone has booked without ID I should think that you can ask to see a driver's licence on arrival. You could keep a hotel logbook, available to buy ready made. If there is a line to fill in you won't feel awkward at check in!

Level 10
Redmond, WA

You know the oddest part, when they are doing the booking, Airbnb asks for the name and phone number of the traveling companion. It is beyond bizarre that Airbnb doesn't just forward that to the host. I saw it myself as a guest. I, too, usually find that guests add the info in a casual way but if they don't, you can just ask them to include it, saying that even though they filled it out on the reservation form that Airbnb doesn't send that on.


you can certainly ask anyone about themselves and the purpose of their trip, it is your space that you are offering. Just sound friendly!