


I am not receiving any notifications on my airbnb app, i have an iPhone. Every thing was working fine, I haven't made any change to my settings. It just happens to stop notifying me. Any help?
Top Answer
Level 9
San Mateo, CA

Thank you for sharing. Notifications just stopped working for my account, my husband's account, and for my friend's account too!

The text message on the cell phone seems to work fine, but the notification on the App doesn't for us anymore.

Anyone else?

View Top Answer in original post

34 Replies 34
Level 2
Wolseley, South Africa

I am having the same issues.  I have a apple mac and iphone and I have also tried the featured answer, but it simply re routes me to conversations.  This is not satisfactory.

Can anyone assist me.  e-mail [personal information hidden]  Many thanks Peppi


Level 1
New York, NY

i had the same problem. I had an instant book and i had no notification about it. the booking turned out to be horrible for my ratings as a host beause of this. is there anything I can do to fix this?


Level 1
Chester, United Kingdom

By not receiving my normal notifications on my iphone 6  either with a banner or a noise, it has just cost me a last minute booking. I replied to a query the potential guest  had within an hour when i saw the message on my Airbnb app but they had already booked some where else.  

Has anybody a solution to the problem ? 

I am having the same problem. I have an iphone also, everything worked fine until recently and notifications coming through! I have asked for help from Airbnb they supposedly did something on their end but it did not help. It is unacceptable and you are right, it causes lost business. I checked all my settings on iphone and everything looks good, same with my my app but still not getting the notifications. YIKES. This needs fixing.

Level 2
Humble, TX

I have an Android phone, and I have not received text messages or app notifications in the past 2 days.

I have a Samsung S6. Push notifications about new booking or inquiry requests have not worked for months and SMS notifications just stopped working for the same in the past few weeks. I get the email but it could be hours until I see any new emails. Notification for Airbnb messages work.

Level 1
Amsterdam, Netherlands


So far I always received notification on my email (the app doesn't work on my phone) and this time I don't, while the guest is already there two days. Where can I ask? The Airbnb machine doesn't give me any contact option. Or am I being stupid? It hides my email address but I cannot scroll over this long list all the time. please, can anyone email me at my first name, then dot then g then at then gmail dot com. This incommunicability of the system makes me upset, so much that I am thinking of quitting. Thanks for help! Mieke (yes, that's my first name)



one thing people had tried (with some success) is to go to your notification preferences and turn off your notifications and save the changes.

Then, turn back on the notifications you want. Then save again.

Sometimes this helps.


I tried the above suggestion and it did not work. I have deleted and reinstalled the AirBnB app without success. So much for being a super host and getting priority help; AirBnB has resolved my issue twice now without actually solving this problem. Any other suggestions out there?

Level 2
Strasbourg, France



J'ai un soucis, je n'ai pas de notification sur mon portable alors que j'ai l'application, et j'ai coché les notification push quand j'ai une demande d'hébergement. A chaque fois je découvre chez moi en lisant mes email que j'ai des demandes.


Par ailleurs,  cela semble bizard, car parfois pour lire les message sur mon pc, il me demande mes données personnelles, et parfois pas. (mot de passe et identifiant)


Quelqu'un peu m'expliquer ?



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Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Paula562,


Welcome to the Community Center. 


I just want to let you know that you've reached the English speaking community. Please visit this link to visit the French speaking Community Center


I hope this helps!



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Level 2
Ottawa, Canada

Yes. ..I'm having this challenge now. I can see the app but I'm not getting the text notifications any more and I haven't changed anything. Any help is welcome!

This is the first time I have been to this community.

Level 9

I have been having issues with notifications for three weeks and have notified them many times.

- no notifications sent to my phone

- duplicate messages sent to my IPad 

- no number on the Airbnb icon to indicate that a message is in my inbox


I have reset everything numerous times. No change.

Today I went to notify them again. Site was down!


I have to be connected to Wifi constantly and check for email messages throughout on my own.


But I get notices sent to email about not replying fast enough!

Level 2
United States

I was having issues with notifications as well, but in my case it was due to the fact that I had originally denied Airbnb access to send notifications when I first downloaded the app. This caused issues with their internal notifications settings.


In my case:

1. Deleting the app and reinstalling

2. Going to airbnb's notification settings (under settings)  and turning on push notifications

3. Accepting the iOS prompt to receive notifications.


This seemed to clear up the issue.

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Yes, I have the same problem as well, no notifications at all 😞