Paying for inconvenience.


Paying for inconvenience.



So we broke some plates in an inn we stayed at, via airbnb. The cost of the plates is a total of 12.5 euro (Ikea), but the host demands an extra of 2.5 euro for inconvenience, as he has to drive 15min to ikea and buy them. Does it make sense? Is there an airbnb standard aout such things? As a host I would not ask for somthing like that. But maybe I'm worng. 

Top Answer
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

The claim process requires that the host present what they think is a fair claim for damages.  You can agree and send money via the reservation send money function.  You can negotiate and make an offer.  If you both agree, then it is settled.  If you just disagree, the host will file with Air BNB and given you have accepted responsibility for the damage, Air BNB will probably access your payment method for the proven cost of the damage.  I doubt Air BNB will recognize any request to be compensated for time and travel costs.

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12 Replies 12
Level 10
Atascosa, TX

@Shahar-and-Manya0  Every host is different. I personally would not have even bothered to charge the guests for a few plates as accidents do happen, but other hosts would. I also wouldn't be running right out to get new ones as I keep extras for just this reason. 

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

The claim process requires that the host present what they think is a fair claim for damages.  You can agree and send money via the reservation send money function.  You can negotiate and make an offer.  If you both agree, then it is settled.  If you just disagree, the host will file with Air BNB and given you have accepted responsibility for the damage, Air BNB will probably access your payment method for the proven cost of the damage.  I doubt Air BNB will recognize any request to be compensated for time and travel costs.

Level 10
Ohrid, Macedonia (FYROM)

@Shahar-and-Manya0 there is no Airbnb standard for such things. I wouldn't bother asking the guests to cover price of the plates because people break things all the time. But the host has every right to ask for money, 2.5 euros wont make you poorer or him richer, and as a guest I would pay. He will probably go to his local Ikea anyway so it is not that big of a deal for him either, I don't know why even ask for it but it is not worth spending the time to even think if to pay those 2.5 euros or not.

Level 10
СПБ, Russia

That's a lot of plates, going from what IKEA charge here for a piece. What happened?


By way of apology, do the decent thing and give your host 25 euro to put good your bad.

Level 10
Grafton, VT

Shahar & Manya, I was unable to tag you for some reason, but have the hosts reviewed you yet? 


I would pay the amount requested, as it isn't much in order to hopefully receive a decent review. If I were the host, and you broke my plates, if you paid up quickly and showed genuine regret, I would leave you a positive review. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Shahar and Manya, I do hope that you showed a more apologetic attitude to your host after breaking the plates than you show in your post - "So we broke some plates" is just a verbal shrug of disinterest really isn't it.  Not nice.

Level 10
Scotland, United Kingdom

Depends on whether the host used 2.5 euros worth of petrol or not 😉

Level 10
Austin, TX

have you ever been to Ikea -- a visit there is never quick!!

I'd charge more for my time I think, but then again I order many supplies from Amazon so that they are shipped and I don't have to go out and get things.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Shahar-and-Manya0     I can see breaking one plate, but SOME plates? What were you doing to break a bunch of plates? 

I think it's incredibly cheap of you to balk at paying a measly 2.5 Euro extra above the cost of replacement value. With travel and shopping time, it's going to take the host a minimum of 1 hour of their time (and it's presumptuous to think they would have to go to Ikea anyway on such short notice, so as to make sure the next guests have enough plates) plus gas money. 

Do the right thing, don't be a cheapskate.

Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


our guest accidently broke something at our ABB unit. He cleaned the mess, called us , apologized a lot and said he will pay for the repair.   We went there, called the repairman and the cost was 60 $ so we just left the bill on the table and went home. The next day after our guest checked out  we came to clean and have found 100$ bill on the table with a note "Sorry again, this is for the repair and for your time and inconvenience" We gave him 5* review because he broke it by accident but his  honesty and generosity were really nice  🙂  We would give him the same review even without his tip, he was really a great guest. 

In his review he mentioned the accident and how he was surprised that we didn't charge him for our time and effort to fix the damage .


Another guest made a hole on the 2,50 $ window curtain and left us 10$ bill on the table with an apology note. We wouldn't charge him for it at all but we appreciate his honesty.






yes>Does it make sense?

maybe no>Is there an airbnb standard aout such things?

Level 10
Daylesford, Australia

As I see it there are five kinds of guests:

1. Breaks something and hopes it won't be noticed.

2. Breaks something, leaves it with a note of apology (or phones host).

3. Breaks something, leaves it with a note and an overly generous sum.

4. Breaks something, leaves note asking how much it will be and to charge them.

5. Breaks something, goes out and replaces it with similar item.


I have actually refunded guests who left money that was way too much, more than replacement cost for something easily fixable. Small stuff like glasses etc I have not charged for, just wear and tear. Just pay what the host asks, I bet they would prefer to have the plates unbroken rather than have to take a trip. I once had a guest unsuccessfully try to buy a replacement guitar string (none here within 40 mins drive) before letting me know it was even broken. I keep some spares anyway...