Phishing email

Level 2
Calp, ES

Phishing email

I received this email and wondered if it is a scam - the link led me to a page where it asked for my password which I entered, without thinking. If it is a scam what should I do.

Hi Mike,

We offer our apologies for this inconvenience, but it looks like our messages for [email addres hidden] are not delivered or redirected.

We've temporarily disabled the sending of any communication for [email address hidden].

In order for you to continue receiving our important messages (i.e. booking requests, host/traveler communication, account changes notifications and so forth) please complete the following step:


[link hidden]


Please do not postpone this action. This is required in order for your account to be completely functional in a timely manner.

Thanks for hosting with Airbnb,
The Airbnb Team

2 Replies 2
Level 10
СПБ, Russia

Check the header of the email sent to you against the content of this airbnb advice link


If the email sent to you doesn't match one on the list, it's likely to be a phishing attack.

In this case best to change your password again - and for your airbnb account it's always more secure to have a different unique password. 



Tempative of pishing in Italy. I awas looking for a flat in Venice on some Italian websites for rent, no Airbnb, and I sent several requests. I received an answer for a flat and the pictures they sent were amazing. The cost of the flat was really low for Venice but they wanted two months in advance. They wanted the payment via airbnb. Just before to send them my data I did a simple google search of the pictures and I found the same flat on Airbnb but in Barcellona!!!

I wrote to the owner of the flat in Barcellona  and I reported to airbnb pishing. Hope they will do something.
