yup. Airbnb also has removed the potential guests last name too so you cannot do a quick search of them on social media. Most hosts feel the same way. It's airbnb's way of making sure they dont get sued by anyone who will claim racial discrimination because a host declined their booking POSSIBLY due to their photo. It really screws the hosts over big time.
I've added this to my house rules and fully stand behind it...
WHEN REQUESTING TO BOOK: Tell me a little more about you and your guests please. Why are you coming to this area? How'd you find us? Ages of all guests & are you bringing pets and anything else Y-O-U would want to know about complete strangers if they were about to come stay at Y-O-U-R home. Airbnb tells me your first name, the city you're from and how many guests you're bringing. That's it. No picture of you, no last name... nothing. From that little tiny bit of info I am supposed to make a decision that people I don't know are OK to come stay at our place and play in our arcade?! Imagine strangers are requesting to stay at your home. What would you want to know about them. Tell me that about you & your guests. THANKS!