Pricing on calender automatically reverting to Airbnb suggested prices

Level 4
Kinsale, Ireland

Pricing on calender automatically reverting to Airbnb suggested prices

Any advice gratefully received!  We've hosted for around 5 years and have never had an issue like this before.


Our smart pricing is switched off.  We set our prices according to seasons, availability etc, but they keep reverting to Airbnb's 'suggested' pricing' which is way way below what we charge.


I've contacted Airbnb 3 times now, we've changed prices to what they should be via the App, laptop, and Airbnb have also manually done it... however after a few hours the calendar prices automatically change back!


I've switched off instant book and gone to request to book to try to mitigate booking/pricing issues, and have only opened up a month. on the calendar when at this time of the year we'd be taking bookings for Christmas.


 I'd like to know if anyone else has had this issue and if they managed to resolve it.  (We had one booking in at a crazy cheap price, hence we noticed what was going on!)


Any advice? Or anyone else experienced this issue?

Many thanks



3 Replies 3
Level 1
Colorado, United States

Thanks for posting. Yes, I am experiencing a similar issues. I've been getting requests for ever-cheaper stays ($630 week, down to $581, to $530, to $488) for no apparent reason! I took off smart pricing. But I know I did not set this pricing scheme up, and I want to know why airbnb is doing this. Does anyone know?



Level 2
Kampala, Uganda

Hi, this has not occurred to me yet but one way of mitigating it is to set the limits in the smart pricing high so that the lower limit is equal to your preferred price. that way, you will still be safe under smart pricing when it gets activated. I hope this helps you for now.

Hi, similar problem here, I can not get any answer from Airbnb - is the base price shown by them on the App; Per Person/Bed, Per Room or Per the whole house e.g. all of 4 rooms sleeping 7 guests? We have set a base price based on per person per night but guest get the message from the way it displays on the App the price is for the whole place of 4 rooms?.