Private Room Bookings - Number of Guests Not Disclosed

Level 1
Honolulu, HI

Private Room Bookings - Number of Guests Not Disclosed

I have come across this a few times now, where I reserve a private room, only to find out that the host has another room in the same house being rented out.  And in one case, the host had her boyfriend and another friend who slept on the living room couch.  It's not a big issue, excep for the fact that all of these people are sharing one bath. The host should be required to say how many other rooms are being offered as well as the number of people under that roof. A couple renting the spare room is fine, but another room with two guests or friends sleeping in the living room  is nowhere in the fine print. It's misleading when you arrive to find out that 3-4 other people are living there, in addition to you, and you're having to take a number for the one bathroom available.

1 Reply 1
Level 2
Queensland, Australia

Hi Van


before you you book a place, ask the owner how many rooms she/he lets before you book, via the Airbnb message service. I agree, sharing the bathroom with several other people is not my idea of fun either. I would also be wanting to know if they have kids/dogs etc running around the place. (Not that I have anything against kids or dogs but I want peace and quiet when I'm away)

