Pro Tools - Export a Calendar

Level 2
Kyoto, Japan

Pro Tools - Export a Calendar

I'm new to using Pro Tools and it seems like AirBnB phone support rep doesn't even know that it exists. For those unfamilar with Pro Tools, here's a link:


Here's the problem. I'm trying to download the iCal files to sync to my PMS Sirvoy.  According to the article below, on step #2 I'm supposed to "Click Availability settings in your calendar view"


How do I sync my Airbnb calendar with another calendar?

Screen Shot 2019-04-19 at 19.16.35.pngimageedit_1_2662522610.gif

Problem is, there is no availability settings. It's disappeared. I saw it before I switched to a Pro Tools account, but now it's gone. So I'm not sure how to download an iCal file. I guess the slogan of "move fast and break things" is appropriate here… Any help would be most appreciated!


2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It seems to me you are mixing up things. When using the Pro tools, the menu option "calender" brings up the multicalender. The calender belonging to an individual listing shows up when managing the listing (for example by clicking on the listings name in the multicalender) and then choose the button "calender".

Which still has the availibility settings on it, as shown in your first image..

Best regards,


Level 2
Kyoto, Japan

@Emiel0, I see it now. I didn't click on the individual listing. So simple, yet so confusing. They should update the article with mention of multi-calendars as I'm new to AirBnB and don't quite understand this interface. Thank you!