Problem with the website

Level 1
Egilsstaðir, Iceland

Problem with the website

Dear sirs. We only use Airbnb as a platform for renting out our apartment. We ran into a problem some days ago because the apartment seemed to be double booked on the last weekend in June. This was apparent only on his Ipad but not on the PC we normally use. Of course we immediately contacted one of the guests and cancelled her booking and gave her our reasons and apologies. Airbnb fined us 50$ for cancelling. This had solely to do with the platform or website - not us. I find this action unfair and hereby object to this rule. I do insist that you look into this and take into account that the website was to blame. I also want to point out that this error could only be sdiscovered or seen on the Ipad - not the PC. I ask to be reembursed the fine taken without any explanation on our part. We do pay service fees already so I find this action unappropriate and unjust. Sincerely - Íris and Jón at [personal information hidden]

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Quimper, France

hi @Íris2

never ever cancel a booking from your side!

It's hard to imagine that you really got a double booking for one listing only, but if you did, you should contact airbnb in such a case and have staff cancel one booking for you. In that case, there is no cost nor penalty. 

You should still contact them, explain what happened, let them find yout, where the error occured and get the penalty removed. If it was a technical error, you will not be punished for it, but you have to tell a real person at airbnb about it. If you only cancel, it's handled by computer programs and nobody knows about it. You got an automatic fine. 


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