Maybe friday was busy and not available but Saturday was available?
Perhaps the host thought you would realise that the Saturday costs more than the Friday?
perhaps the host forgot to highlight this and just relied on your realising it from the calendar?
perhaps they didn't think much about it, when an alteration goes through the software automatically recalculate the tariff based on the calendar..... it's complicated sometimes.
What if you were to write back to the host and say something like
.... thanks for making the suggestion and you don't mind changing the day, but you are only agreeing to the change on the assumption that the tariff would be the same, and if so, you are happy to go ahead, : )
But if not : ( etc etc...?
I hope this is helpful to you,
We would be interested in knowing how things end up as we can all learn from your experience.
Sincere Regards, Christine.