I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an i...
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I am now already in a +10 day discussion with Airbnb on an issue of blocked days that are being switched to 'active' in the c...
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Can a GUEST respond to a BAD HONEST REVIEW ? I am afraid of giving right now my honest bad review about the worst guest I have had but I am afraid she will have 14 days to come up and after she reviews my place ADD in revenge another review or RESPOND to my bad review in my public page.
Sadly, what I am reading in this thread is backing up my impression that Airbnb is geared towards the highest possible volume.
I guess my take away is to continue what we are currently doing which is to stand on our instincts, and powers of communication in order to accept or decline reservations.
Well done for leaving that review @Lucrecia2, I've just been to your profile, AND theirs - and read both your review, and their rebuttal. Personally, I think their rebuttal strengthens your side rather than weakening it. Particularly when you take it into the context of all the wonderful reviews you've had, and your superhost status. They were clearly just being defensive, and I don't think any future hosts would fail to 'get' that. (I used google translate, which isn't great, but I got the gist of it)
My only thought for the future would be that it's not always necessary to put in all the many details - some times all that needs to be there is "we had some difficult interactions, perhaps they should consider a hotel for the future." or "remember: refrigerators only work if the door is closed" or "high maintenance guests who treated my property carelessly"
I had some guests not long ago who were very challenging. Only here for 2 nights, but in those 2 nights very high maintenance and had seemed to not understand AT ALL what leaving the bathroom tidy after use meant. I share the bathroom with my guests, so my expectation (and explicitly stated rule) is that we all leave the bathroom tidy after we use it. these guys never did that by any stretch. there were numerous other werid things they did.
my review: I mentined they were nice and friendly and "They may not have had much experience with being houseguests in the UK and I will be making a big effort to translate my home manual and expectations into chinese in the future." - I think that's pretty clear to other hosts no?
I'm also convinced that much of this was language barrier, and cultural differences/misunderstanding. I've had other guests who haven't understood what a bathmat is, and others who had only ever used a wet room so didn't comprehend "shower curtain".
Lana, thank you very much for your input into this!!! I went into details in case they would had taken this to Airbnb, but personally I prefeer your tip of not go into details !
I agree with you about lamguage barries and I think more is the cultural ! Maybe that is why now Airbnb is against any of us excluding people based on their race, but I have rented to Koreans and they bring food into the bedrooms , food full of garlic, I had to wash the floor and walls and
Lana how where you able to see their REFUTAL? I have not been able to see it?
How are you able also to see my reviews etc ?I need to learn a little more!
Hi @Lucrecia2
Oh, I absolutely welcome any guest of any nationality, and I'm convinced that the difficult time I had with those particular guests was partly my fault for not communicating my expectations clearly enough to them at the time. Which is why i've decided that where language barriers are an issue I will make a bigger effort to ensure they know the house rules and expectations (particularly when it comes to how to leave the bathroom, and noise levels). This might be especially necessary where there is a big cultural gap between guest and host as well.
As for details of incidents - I put all the details in the part of the review that is only to AirBnB - Which the guest doesn't see.
For the review, go to your listing, or reviews in your dashboard, and scroll till you see the review left for you by the guest. Then click on their picture - that will take you to a page about them where you'll see reviews from hosts. Yours is there, with their response right afterwards. 🙂
I can't seem to copy and paste a picture in here: but here's the text with your review first:
"Fue un poco tormentosa la alquilada primero porque Monica se quejo de que las 2 refrigeradoras totalmente nuevas no estaban enfriando. La llamaba y no contestaba el telefono. Asustada de que si era la electricidad solicite a la Empresa Electrica que fueran a revisar si habian bajones de electricidad, llegaron 11:30 pm a revisar afectandole en sueño a la guardiana. Encontraron de que todo estaba perfecto. Como tambien se quejo de que no servia el cable, la guardiana al ir a revisar el televisor noto que los niños dejaban abierta las puertas de la Refrigeradora. 2 veces en los 20 min que estuvo tratando de arreglarles el televisor tuvo que cerrar las puertas. En esta casa no hay AC en la cocina, con temperaturas arriba de 85 Farenheit o 30 Celsius , el dejar la puerta abierta causa que no solo se salga el frio sino tambien forzar a las Refrigeradoras a trabajar mas fuerte y poderse quemar. Inmediatamente con este problema encima me dice que no sirve la tele, una Smart TV nueva. Me mando una foto donde salia que la habian reprogramado todo antena, cable, tele y radio. Cuando llego la guardiana me dijo que la tele estaba completamente negra, pir mas que yo le decia que botones tocar no reaccionaba. Me preocupe mucho tanto por ellos porque una Sra dijo que si se habia ofrecido tele dentro del precio debia servir !!! Como por mi porque pensaba todo se estaba quemando en mi casa! Tuve que pagarle a un tecnico para que fuera a ver al dia siguiente, si estaba quemada y resulto que al IGUAL que con la Refrigeradora me dijo que habian DESPROGRAMADO COMPLETAMENTE la tele. Despues hoy me informo la muchacha que falta una Caracolito aunque es una tontera menor al valor de $3.00 se llevaron una concha decorativa que se encontraba en unas canoas . Comprendo que no tiene gran valor y puedo comprender que haya sido un niño inocentemente pero no es correcto, por eso no lo cobrare. Estas conchas NO existen en Guatemala , las compre y traje de otro pais. En mi opinion ellos estarian mucho mejor en hotel , no Airbnb que tiene reglas donde este comportamiento no es aceptable ya que son las casas personales que uno tiene.
Efectivamente hubieron inconvenientes que el anfitrión no mencionó; Como por ejemplo que están construyendo y no podía accesar el carro hasta enfrente de la casa, lamentablemente las refrigeradoras no funcionaban al 100% se echo a perder un pie de Queso, un helado y una gelatina de los niños. Sin embargo fueron incomodidades que tuvimos pero que no permiti que afectarán el viaje y la estadía. Lamentablemente Lucrecia comenta que se desconfiguro la TV pero ni la habíamos encendido hasta q le llamamos, por lo que pudo asegurar que no fuimos nosotros, tengo el mismo servicio en mi casa y se como usar este aparato, consideró que Lucrecia debe de dar más credibilidad a sus clientes y no a lo que sus empleados le digan pues nunca creyó lo que como cliente le decía, he rentado varias casas, con amistades y otras con mi usuario pero No me había topado con un anfitrión que le echara la culpa a sus clientes por no funcionar la refrigeradora: ya que decía que los niños la estaban abriendo y eso es mentira, que la TV no funcionaba porque la des configuramos, lo cual también es mentira y por ultimo indicar lo de las conchas. Ni siquiera se de que me habla, no hubo un inventario de artículos de la casa como para saber que es, pero si puedo pagar un alquiler de este precio por supuesto que me hago responsable por $3.00 Decidí calificar bien la estadía, higiene y la casa pues la casa es preciosa aunque hay que admitir que las fotografías en Airbnb parecen más grande la piscina, como que estuvieran extendidas las imágenes. Deberían haber cortinas en los baños pues todo se moja, así mismo en la cama del segundo nivel habían pulgas pero como repito no deje que esto pequeños detalles empañaran el viaje pero considero que ante la actitud de Lucrecia vale la pena comentarlo.
Hi,i. Learned this the hard way, nowdays i am asking for references , and things got much better,♥️😚Madeleine host in sweden,,,,,,Linköping city,
I was wondering the same thing. I am leary of being honest about a few guest for fear of them coming back with a bad review.....
When I read the replies I want to congratulate everybody who is hosting in the house they live, share a bathroom, kitchen... Considering all the language barriers and differences it isn't easy at all! I would personally never be able to do that, although sometimes I get excited about the idea(meeting people from other countires, learning about their cooking habits...etc)