Hi, I’ m host for about 1 year, and I have nice experiences with guests. I would only like to ask about ratings, which I had till one day 5.0. Than one of guests gave me all the rating possibilities 5 only overall rating 3. I do not understand this, how does the airbnb program take this? It was obviously a mistake, buy it has pulled me down to 4.9 for a long time!
Guests sometimes do that, @Metka3 . The overall score is not a total, it is a separate score decided by the guest. I just got all 5s in all the categories with a 4 overall. My guest had been expecting his girlfriend to join him on his last night, but she did not, so I suspect that although he couldn't find a reason to mark down any specific thing, he wasn't in the mood to be generous.
You just never know.
4.9 is still very good, but I do understand your frustration.
Thank you for your answer, Lawrene. Who knows the reason, but it is not to understand in quality way of hosting but it could be something else. Kind regards Metka