Security deposit depending on the length of stay?

Level 1
Charlotte, NC

Security deposit depending on the length of stay?

Is there a way to add a security deposit after someone has requested to stay? I have someone requesting to stay for over a month and I would like to add a security deposit considering the length of time. Is there a way to add one to this stay only? 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The security deposit in the listing (if any) is attached to every reservation, so it is not possible to add it afterwards or add it to a specific booking (unless you add it to the listing  just before the person makes the booking and remove it afterwards).

Please note long term stays have a special cancellation policy, which allways overrules the one in the listing.


best regards,


Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


If someone has only requested to stay but has not booked yet, there is a way to configure a security deposit. I have to say that, of course it must be negotiated with the potential guest and it is necessary to have the potential guest consent, of course.

Tell the potential guest you are going to decline the request to stay to configure a security deposit. Then configure the security deposit and ask the potential guest to send another request to stay.