Strict cancelation policy

Level 2
Jakarta, Indonesia

Strict cancelation policy

I made mistake booked apartment in London via instants booked, tried to contact host about solution, my host request me to cancel the reservation, after cancel I just release they have strict cancellation policy, then charge me 50% payment. Try get full refund they rejected, send help to involved center still no feedback, since it's really big money for us, how should I find solution for my cancellation?
16 Replies 16
Level 10
Bend, OR

Contact AirBnB and see if they can help you.  AirBnB has your money, not the host.



We send requests to resolution center more than 24 hours still waiting feedback from them, thank you
Level 10
Como, CO

Host can not cancel in this situation has to be you, why was it wrong? Wrong dates?


I count adult as people, not our children, that make over maximum capacity in their property regulations. I know that mistake when I contact my host and he request me to cancel reservation, now already more than 24 hours no feedback from Airbnb involved team

Thank you for your feedback, it's big money for us.

The host has the power to refund 100%. If she cancels, and the host receives 50%, the host can opt to refund the additional amount to the guest.

I would message the host and tell him that you did not realize your children would bring you over the allowable amount of persons: either they can allow you the extra guests , or they can , if they are decent human beings, refund the full amount

Good luck.

If your children are not "people" ... what are they?


AirBnB Treehouse for Rent



Yes there was our mistake, as airbnb host in Jakarta I allowed children below 12 years not calculated as person charge. Then in their regulation stated additional person not charge, that the reason I Call host for confirmation since I send message not answer.
And my trip will be mid August, so still have time for Host to offer the unit to others. Its big money for us that why I need airbnb support and community to help.

Hopefully my host can change their mind and I can get full refund.

Thank your for all support.

Dear @Griya-Hanna0, you are an experienced host with 3 listings for over a year now. You have also travelled with AirBnb before. During this time you have had the opportunity to understand hosting and how the wesite operates from both sides of the transaction, and you are aware that all Hosts and listings can choose their own set of terms and conditions. 
On your rooms that allow multiple persons such as 6, you have no extra charge because it appears that you have a flat rate for the venue and it is all inclusive no matter how many guests of any age are booked in.

It is not reasonable for you to judge another host according to the way that you run your listing and express dismay that you are essentially in this position because they managed the transaction according to their policy and according to the data you entered and the terms and conditions on their site.


You seem to be saying that you had an expectation that they would do things in the way that you do..... But why would an experienced host think that was a likely way for other hosts to conduct things? Your actions are not consistent with the level of experience you have with hosting, so on that level alone you are unlikely to be eligible for a further refund as only extenuating circumstances which can be validated would entitle you to a bigger refund. Overriding the host refund policy is a goodwill gesture by Airbnb, and it comes out of the overall commissions that they make on bookings. They don't do this on a casual basis or the cancelation policies highlighted on the page would be worthless, and they would find people will just book to reserve a place and not care how and when they cancelled. So to maintain some discipline and respect for bookings, calendars, hosts etc, they let the hosts set a policy and stand by it as much as reasonably possible.

Are you asking for hosts in this forum to lobby Airbnb on your behalf and to apply pressure to this host?  I know  it's a big disappointment, but you have followed the resolution procedures and you will need to wait and see how it all pans out. 

This situation will not be a pleasant one for the potential host, as they never intended for things to turn out this way. 

Sorry for your difficulties. I hope for a happy outcome....

Sincere regards, Christine.


@Griya-Hanna0, unfortunately many hosts write with problems that are a little bit related to your story. They have guests who see the number of people who can be accommodated and only put in a request for part of the group.

Frequently these situations involve parents who book for adults and not for children. Sometimes this information is not discovered until it's nearly time for the vacation or when they show up at the door. For many reasons this is a difficult sitation for the host. 

It sounds as though you were so looking forward to your holiday with your husband that you forgot that your kids were going with you.......  who knows? but if you were going to a hotel, surely you would not forget to tell them that you were travelling with your kids as well?

It is a hard situation for you, and I hope for the best. In this case the host has no obligation to give a refund. This is not the answer that you want to hear, but ...... Maybe they will do a little more for your refund.... Dont forget that Airbnb will keep some fees and none of this goes to the host.

By your own admission you were responsible for the wrong information being entered, so unfortunately there is no cause for further refund at this point. AirBnb cannot force the host to make a bigger refund against their policy. That is the current situation.

One extra thing to keep in mind is once a booking goes through the host calendar is closed. Even when it is pending, the host cannot give these dates to another guest enquiry.

It may be that while your booking was pending and on the host calendar, they were forced to reject another booking and it cannot be guarranteed to be replaced. 

Here is an example of what can happen with Hosts even though guests may not be aware:

"I received a booking for 3 days for 2 people at a tariff of approx-$280au. 6 minutes later I received a request for the same room, but this 2nd request was 4 people for 5 days and double the $value.

I screened and accepted the bookings in order, that is my etiquette consistent with Airbnb systems as well.

I cannot reject the first booking and then accept the 2nd because Airbnb blocks the dates on my calendar if I reject the first customer/guest." 

So I now have an accepted booking with the first guest. But if these guests cancel, even if it is within a day, the other [2nd] guests are gone because I had to decline their booking.

If my first guest were to change their minds and cancel, I would be reluctant to offer a refund as my acceptance to the first guest led to my rejection of the 2nd guest, in this case a booking worth more than $double. 


We all make mistakes, I sincerely hope this one will not cost you or your host too much pain and money.

So sorry about this situation.

Sincere regards, Christine.

Dear Catherine,

Thank you for your feedback.
I am furious and dissapointed. I'm making a booking and cancelling it (by owner request) within 24 hours. It is still a month away until the check in time. So i believe a full refund is in order. Otherwise it looks like a fraud to me. I am not talking to a machine, i was talking to human who can decide not to take the money out of this situation. I am a reguler customer of airbnb and i am furious and dissapointed have to lost a lot of my money.

Best Regards,

@Griya-Hanna0, I sense your distress and I honestly recognise that if I were in your shoes, I would definitely feel hurt by the situation. 

 In retrospect it could possibly have been helpful to you if you had still your reservation on the books while online discussions took place. Can you forward an account of your discussions including time and details of phone calls to AirBnb resolutions to verify the content or actuality of discussions having occurred?

Can you also assist AirBnb to feel some confidence that perhaps your host was a bit premature in persuading you that you needed to be the party to cancel? I say this because, there were some other options that could have been explored by your host and yourself. For example, a reservation alteration with a change in dates and numbers to facilite a rebate or reduction in price when dates are shortened returns some of the funds without triggering a cancellation. It also means that if a cancellation takes place the $penalty will be less to the guest because it is based on the total of the existing/remaining reservation. Are you following what I am describing? This option would have provided an alternate avenue if changes need to be made, making the best of the current online tools.

It may not appear to be helpful now, but it does serve to provide an example of an alternative course of action that could have been suggested by yourself or your potential host at a time, when you were in shock about your error and then took action/followed advice or agreed to a request which has left you financially vulnerable and apparently out of pocket. 

Do keep in mind that this exercise may well have cost your host something as well, so concessions may still be advisable, perhaps instead of requesting the full amount, suggest splitting and getting another 25-305 returned to you...... but if you can demonstrate that you were persuaded to make the cancellation to save your host a penalty when other options could have been suggested, you might get a more favourable response from the host and/or AirBnb.

One of the most obvious alternatives that comes to my thoughts, was for you or your host to suggest that you maintain or modify the original booking and to book another venue simultaneously to accommodate the extra persons. If this was presented as an option you could demonstrate your willingness and eligibility to proceed with the booking and advice to cancel was not the only option that should have been presented. Without this having been suggested to you, it appears that there was an opportunity for you to have explored other options rather than taken the suggestion/or advice of the host to cancel. if any of this applies to your situation and you are able to demonstrate this to the host and AirBnb then you may be offered a more lenient penalty and larger proportion of your downpayment returned.

A concilliatory manner towards all parties will be an important tool as well. So with your goal in mind, continue to harness your frustration and politely provide your host or AirBnb with any extra information that you feel demonstrates and justifies your request for the host to rebate more of the funds currently held in trust with AirBnb.

If you have some documentation to demonstrate that the host asked you to cancel, then maybe you can use this to support your claim for a greater proportion of your money to be returned. 

in the meantime, search out less expensive accommodation in the district that you were planning on visiting. With any luck you will find yourself staying somewhere you never considered that ends up being fabulous and your kids will love it! I hope so for your sake.

I hope that my response has been encouraging, and my best regards to you.


Dear Christine,

Thank you so much for your support, I just got confirmation from resolution team, the host will fully refund my booking. It's will be lesson learn to us in using Airbnb.

Best regards,

Griya Hanna


 it is pleasing to hear that you were able to negotiate the outcome which you were seeking. Although you were distressed, it appears that your patience and diplomacy have assisted in this matter. I am sure that you are grateful to the host who took the time to consider the situation that you were in and felt able to make this concession and over ride their normal refund policy. 

All the best for your new destination, and we appreciate that you took the time to write back and tell us how things ended up for you and your family. happy hosting and safe travels.

best regards, Christine.