Superhost July 1 Review

Level 4
North Carolina, United States

Superhost July 1 Review

So we've waited excitedly for July 1, as that's the period we are due to get superhost!   And....nothing.  Somehow I expected a message telling me how the process works on July 1.   Instead, I've been digging looks it will be another 2 weeks before we hear?  Can anyone tell me when and how we can expect to be notified of anything?  Thanks!

Top Answer
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Michelle1358 sit tight!


there is a 14 day assessment period to allow for all reviews to be posted that may affect your review ratings for stays completed up til 1st July so hold tight until the 14th July and by then you should receive an email and notice the badge appear.


from a host who felt exactly the same this time a year ago, nothing really changes when you get superhost, so try not to stress before you get it 🙂 

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22 Replies 22
Level 4
North Carolina, United States

@Robin4 This is the post I mentioned to you if you can.  If not, have a great day anyway 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Michelle1358 sit tight!


there is a 14 day assessment period to allow for all reviews to be posted that may affect your review ratings for stays completed up til 1st July so hold tight until the 14th July and by then you should receive an email and notice the badge appear.


from a host who felt exactly the same this time a year ago, nothing really changes when you get superhost, so try not to stress before you get it 🙂 

Level 4
North Carolina, United States

Thanks @Paul1255.  Really our anxiety is we are holding off on adding a new listing -- currently we list a whole apartment within our home -- we also plan to offer our whole home.  We put up the whole home a few weeks ago but immediately took it down when we started getting dinged on our progress page for not accepting requests to book the new listing...when we had gotten no requests.  Not wanting an error or algorythm to keep us from getting superhost (and therefore having to go through an ordeal with customer service) we decided to play it safe and temporarily take the new listing down until we made superhost status.  So...that's our biggest anxiety!  Have you ever run into anything like this with a listing?

I see @Michelle1358 !


yes that’s what happens with your progress when you start a new listing, your stats make it look like you’re not performing (technically you aren’t!) until you start performing 🙂 


i experienced that when I started my own listing and when I launch new listings for other hosts.


sensible plan to limit any exposure to after getting superhost, once you do and you get your new listing up and running you’ll be totally fine!

Level 4
North Carolina, United States

Thanks @Paul1255 ...I thought I might be playing it too safe -- plus we're missing out on potential bookings while we wait to post the new listing...but thanks for the agreement that we were on the right track.  If nothing else, we want superhost so we can make custom urls whenever that becomes available (as was announced). 

@Michelle1358  never hurts to be safe where airbnb is concerned! We have been waiting for so long for the custom URLs, I think it'll be a long while yet 🙂

Level 2
Cádiz, Spain

Hello friends. I am in the same situation. I was waiting for Superhost after have all  guest values  with 5 stars.  And nothing .. now i am thinking it is trick 😕

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


@Mónica127  if you read the above information you'll see there is no trick, you just need to wait 🙂

Thank you Paul. I called airbnb and they told me the same  you say. I will wait ..

Level 2
New York, NY

Hi! Last week I have checked my stats and it  showed that I was reviewed by 66% of my guests. Today, July 1st, I checked my stats again and it shows that just I reviewed by 25% only. What does that mean? How could that happen?

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Andrew258  There is a known glitch/bug on the platform regarding review stats! It was fixed, and seems to have appeared again....sit tight until it is fixed (again!)

Thank you! Just checked it now and it shows 67%. Wondering Will I loose my superhost “medal” if that glitch have happened on July 1st... sitting tight and waiting as you said 🙂

That’s correct @Paul255, the glitch is back. My stats are reading 18 reviews instead of 59. Hmmmm.......

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Same issue. Let me know if you get it.