Superhost status

Level 2
Vitoria, Brazil

Superhost status

Hi Support,


I understand I meet all the necessary requirements to become a Superhost. The only thing that prevents me from getting there is a reservation I cancelled in September 24th, 2018. The thing is, the cancellation was due to a solid reason (lack of water due to weather conditions on the region), which was not my fault. On those cases, the policy says the Host is not penalized by Airbnb. But it seem Airbnb is not taking this into consideration. So I would like to know why I haven't become a Superhost yet. Thank you.

5 Replies 5
Level 2
San Francisco, CA

Hi Miriam 

I am also facing similar issue and despite many attempts to work it up to the support supervisor level.  I’ve been unsuccessful at even reaching a person who can “help “.   Please let me know if you are able to get a consideration for something well beyond your control. 


Level 10
Quilcene, WA

@Miriam11 @Michelle1530 Never ever cancel a reservation yourself. If you have extenuating circumstances call Airbnb and ask them to do it for you. If a guest wants a cancellation make them do it themselves. It is probably too late to do anything about it in this case.

Lisa, thank you very much for this advice. I didn't know we could ask Airbnb to cancel a reservation. I have asked Airbnb Support to analyse my situation. Let's hope it will work. Thank you!

Level 10
Eugene, OR

@Miriam11 I had a similar situation a few years back. Three calls in  to customer service talking to outsourced reps who had no idea what they were doing and had no power or knowledge to fix it later and I decided it wasn’t worth my trouble. 

It had no impact on my bookings or guests, and I didn’t miss it one bit. Don’t stress about it. The year I had no Superhost status I made more money, go figure. 

Level 2
Vitoria, Brazil

Thank you for your support, Jess!