The first page of payout method , what address is entered?

Level 3
Ashford, United Kingdom

The first page of payout method , what address is entered?

  1. Just listed with airbnb. Trying to complete the first page of payout details. Do i enter my details or the bank details? Thanks. Sophia. U.K.
2 Replies 2
Level 10
Limerick, Ireland

Hello @Sophia53,


When I registered I entered my address details. That is the address the bank I use for payout has for me.



Level 3
Ashford, United Kingdom

Many thanks. I have emailed Airbnb with this question but to date no reply. I have called the organization but was on hold for nearly 40 mins and gave up. Completing the payout correctly is very important as if i muck it up i am likely to run into difficulties.  I believe Airbnb could make this page more clearer. Many thanks for your time and response. Regards, Sophia.