Trips reviewed for Super Host rating

Trips reviewed for Super Host rating

Hola all!


I was casually browsing through my listings and then performances and under "Super Host" I got an allert that I have to work on before the 1st of July assessment as my trip reviews by guests had fallen to 18% versus the 50% that one is required to have...and it is wrong...always had above 67% mark - last quarter was 83%. What can I do to have it fixed before the next evaluation? HELP!!!


Saludos, Patty

15 Replies 15
Level 2
Whitney, Canada

Hey there, it's happening to me as well. I reported it via the airbnb support page that I found on the AirbnbHelp twitter account. Might help fix the issue if you DM @airbnbhelp on twitter with the same issue to get it noticed by their IT guys faster. Cheers!

 @Bongo0    I absolutely hate having to sign up for/maintain an account on social media in order to get a timely response from Airbnb!  

I don't use twitter!


Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

We are having the exact same issue— it says our guest review rate is only 21% and it is actually 79% when we did the math... Hopefully this glitch will be fixed soon as it’s super stressful! 

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

I can confirm that Airbnb is aware of this issue and are currently working on resolving it.  It is system-wide and can affect other things such as Family Collection and overall rating amount.  Hopefully it will be fixed soon.




Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

Level 2
Salt Lake City, UT

Also, I just realized that the stats are reversed. It is saying that only 21% HAVE reviewed us, but that is actually the percent that HAS NOT left a review. Glad to hear it’s not just us, thank you!

Oh you might be right I had 18% and yes it is more like 82% this quarter...great catch!

@Leia-and-Phil0  that's interesting.....not correct in my case though.....I was at 90% who reviewed it says 21%.    I had a total of 68 stays, 61 of those left a review which is 90%, rounded up.  

Level 2
Split, Croatia

I believe it is a mistake. I have noticed the same today for my listing, and I know I got and gave a review for every guest that was staying this year., and thehe stays is impossible

Level 2
Charlotte, NC

Thanks for bringing this up. Mine says I’m at only 10%. However I’m exceeding in all other categories. I need to do the math because I know I get more than 10 percent of reviews. We as hosts can only do but so much to get our guests to go out of their way to review their stay. Ultimately it’s up to them.

It was a gitch and all went back to least my account but I heard others too!

We also experienced the same mis-calculation and found it very difficult to get it resolved like everyone else. But having been re-instated as SH we now see that the category Review Rating % has disappeared from Progress/Opportunities/ Super Host. Seems strange and may be another temporary error, but interested to know if others are seeing the same?

@Edward-and-Sao0  No, it's not a glitch. They eliminated the review rate as a criteria now.