Unable to complete payment for reservation

Level 1

Unable to complete payment for reservation

Airbnb support team,


Trying to complete payment via credit card but failed. Message alert: unable to authorize use of credit card...


Contacted the Bank, they did not block any airbnb transaction, the detail of card is correctly filled. Could it be the problem come from airbnb itself. My reservation will be cancelled soon if no payment made.


Please verify the problem soonest possible. Thank you

3 Replies 3

@Junemay0 you've come through to a community hub for guests and hosts which is not monitored by Airbnb. You will need to contact Airbnb yourself - twitter is generally the quickest if you tweet @airbnbhelp you'll get through to customer service.

Noted with thanks
Level 10
Dublin, Ireland


This is a bit of a long shot, but worked for me a couple of times - try deleting your banking info/card details on your Airbnb, then re-entering them. Might do the trick for you  🙂